Posts Tagged ‘Michigan’

My Facebook wall and this blog is almost exclusively for the business of fixing our county, state and federal government units. I have recognized that our governments consist of men and women that generally do not follow the law, the truth and the Constitution. We are no longer a virtuous nation. What used to be the exception has now become the rule.

My primary area of focus and concern is the loss of our judiciary… The loss of our courts.

I have found the Michigan Supreme Court to be willfully complicate in the state’s ability to kidnap Michigan children through CPS by creating court rules that were designed to intentionally deprive respondent parents of their due process rights in the adjudicative phase of CPS proceedings that kidnap our children absent due process. By willfully denying respondent parents Due Process, the state is able to win every CPS case regardless of the accuracy or truth of the allegations against the parent.

Michigan Court Rule 3.920(H) allows the state to kidnap Michigan children through the willful and premeditated deprivation of the rights of the parents of these kidnapped children. This process destroys Michigan families while bringing federal money to the state for each child kidnapped. This is a federal crime being committed by the Michigan Supreme Court where a sentence of death could result. (See Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 & 242)

After these children are kidnapped by the state, the state makes the parent pay for all of the parasitic services of corporations that have grown up around and in support of CPS and for their own personal gains. Drug testing, parenting classes and counseling primarily. This financially exhausts most families which keeps them from being able to afford proper legal counsel and essentially BARS & OBSTRUCTS the true and fair administration of justice.

The kidnapped children are then scheduled excessive counseling to fortify parental alienation. Getting the children to believe that their parents were bad is the goal. This creates the appearance that the children are both receptive to and appreciative of having been saved by the state. (Stockholm Syndrome)

Additionally and on a different assault on the People of Michigan, The Michigan Supreme Court has recently overturned by unsigned order, the Michigan Appellate Court ruling that found the shell company MERS had no standing to foreclose on Michigan homeowners. This Michigan Appellate Court decision would have stopped fraudulent MERS foreclosures in Michigan by the straw-company known as MERS or Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.

Michigan’s highest court is practicing the obstruction of justice and the deprivation of our rights under color of law and “Color of Government”.

In my work, I have discovered that their exists no deterrent to these things because our police support our judiciary and our judiciary supports our police while our state Militia is splintered, disorganized and entirely dysfunctional.

As the People’s need for a unified state Militia for the security of a free state increases, so does it’s opposition and the resistance of it by our corrupt government.

A paradox has developed… I have recognized that our government itself has become anti-government to escape the chains of the Constitution while pretending to be government. This ensures for them the protection of the courts and the police while allowing them to point a finger at constitutionalists, militia, sovereigns, veterans etc and pronounce these people and groups to be anti-government through their bought and paid media when it is actually them that are anti-government.

It is only after we truly recognize the situation for what it is that we can make lasting corrections.

Our state and national Militias are an institution so vital to the survival of our country that our founders mentioned it several times in our Constitution and most notably in the 2nd Amendment.

Amendment II – A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Is our state free? NO it isn’t and if you don’t already know this you are asleep.

Since our country was established, the founders recognized that it would be the job of the people to ensure that our nation states remained free.

Having worked in the United States Navy on nuclear submarines and tending ballistic nuclear missiles, I have experience with effective deterrents.

Since the security of our free states have been lost, it only stands to reason that our state’s Militias are and have been entirely ineffective as a deterrent to state corruption.

It is time to change all that.

Just because we have lots of submarines loaded with lots of nuclear ballistic missiles does not mean that we use them every day. Just having them and the entire world knowing that we have them has helped to maintain the peace with foreign powers also well equipped with these very significant deterrents.

The People are the Militia.
The People are the 4th Branch of Government superior to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

We have been neglectful in our duties.

I would like to see non-violent change. I would consider myself a pacifist at heart but I can not make any guarantees if I am cornered and stripped of rights not strippable (inalienable).

My overall objective is to redefine the Militia.

We the People need to do all we can do to restore our Republic regardless of our ability and/or desire to drill with rifles on the weekends. The People of the many states need to reclaim Militia roles in our society if we are going to stop a bloody revolution.

Only by creating a strong deterrent to corruption can we slow, stop and reverse the steady decay of our once great nation.

The only extremism we see today is Forceful Unconstitutionality perpetrated by our anti-government government.

If my views differ from your significantly, please follow rather than friend me to save room for those more active in restoring some greater assemblage of virtue to our nation and to our government.

Peace and God Bless

Ted Visner
(989) 954-2814

Since taking interim command of the Michigan Militia I have heard from less than a dozen people claiming to be the commanders of their individual groups here in Michigan. This is great since I have no desire to take command of nor issue orders to any of these groups and my intent is only to increase membership and participation.

Most of these splinter group leaders claim that they have earned their rank through the normal process and have earned their leadership position (title) though a closed group vote and that they resent my having taken command yet none of them have made the claim that they are already the commander of the single state’s Militia.

What does this mean for the state’s Militia?… We don’t have one.

Lee Miracle says in a public press release, and I quote


This is exactly what I have done.

The people of Michigan should take a good look at what the initial and prolonged response from the existing leadership has been with regard to myself and the effects these responses have had and continue to have on the perception of our state’s militia groups. Here is another quote.

“Mr. Visner,

Clearly you have no understanding or idea how the militias in Michigan work. You won’t be assuming command of anything. You’re already publicly humiliated. You’re going to be much moreso when we all band together to laugh in your face.

Commanding Officer/Coordinator
West Michigan Volunteer Militia/ Sentinel”


Is this the face and the spokes person of our state’s Militia?

The Michigan Militia has lacked state leadership for a great number of years and it appears as though the splinter groups are all fighting for popularity.

Our state’s Militia needs a statewide presence and this simply can not be left to the most popular unit commander and some perceived influence over all the others. I AM the interim commander and I WILL establish a true state Militia and I will ensure that the people of this state get to vote for it’s new state commander.

I am not a Dictator and I will not collect money for nor issue orders to any unit in Michigan during my command. When I am done however, every unit in Michigan will answer to and take orders from the State Militia Commander. Now ask yourself… What true Michigan patriot would be opposed to this type of statewide order within our Militia?

Currently Militia membership numbers are roughly 1/100th of one percent of Michigan’s Registered Voter population of 7.2 million.

As always, I am available by phone at (989) 954-2814


Ted Visner

Upon Information received this morning, the Michigan State Police are believed to be getting ready to make a move against me again. Not sure exactly what this may entail however it is expected that their move will involve the unlawful seizure of myself and my personal property, namely my computer systems and my electronic media on some sort of trumped up criminal allegations. The website is currently down for unknown reasons.

All of this because my family’s home and it’s contents at 829 E Walton Rd in Mount Pleasant Michigan were stolen by the Isabella County Sheriff Department on September 27, 2010 and the alleged chief judge in this county would not allow 1st Amendment Redress where the accused were the same county officials that were the friends and coworkers of the same other county officials. (According to Melody Lake on my YouTube channel, claim to be… “the rest of society”)

It must be known that I am completely not violent nor am I suicidal. I am also not affiliated with any extremest groups or religious groups. I do not care about international issues and I am only concerned with the rectification of our county and state units of government.

I have discovered, proven and published that the Michigan State Supreme Court is and has been intentionally and willfully complicate in the unlawful establishment of jurisdiction and criminally maintaining jurisdiction over children residing in Michigan through the intentional conspired deprivation of 4th and 14th Amendment rights of Respondent Parents in CPS cases.

I have discovered, proven and published the fact that the Michigan Supreme Court is complicate in the willful violation of the separation of powers provisions of the state and federal constitutions by creating it’s own legislation enforced upon the people of Michigan through the Michigan Court Rules.

I have captured alleged county court judicial officer Mark Duthie lying on the court record and exposed him only to see the chief judicial terrorist Paul Chamberlain create an administrative rule (meant only for court officers) and exclude court officers from the rule while threatening to enforce the rule on the people of the state of Michigan by threat of fine and imprisonment, legislating from the bench.

It is for this and similar other reasons that I am being personally retaliated against by the criminal elements existing in our government units that include the Isabella County Sheriff Department, the FBI and the Michigan State Police.

It is very important to understand that the courts are unlawfully taking jurisdiction by combining the adjudication phase with the dispositional phase of the proceedings against respondent parents by intentionally averting due process requirements all together and labeling all parents “unfit”.

What this means is that your participation in the proceedings is forgiving them for their having completely violated you at the onset of the proceedings by denying you your due process rights. [Due Process rights are inalienable rights meaning they can not be waived nor given away EVER]

This also means that the proceedings against respondent parents are completely VOID from the beginning.

This perfect defense is not being used by ANY court appointed attorney and is also avoided by almost every paid attorney. Instead, these attorneys keep the fight alive as long as they can because they are greedy and selfish. The quickest way to assess your lawyer’s willingness to help you would be to ask them this question. “Would you be willing to immediately object to the Due Process violations in my case?” If their answer is “NO”, then you need to drop that lawyer immediately and forward a complaint to your local Attorney Grievance Commission. [your lawyer is demonstrating the “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel”]

What I am finding is that every CPS/DHS case against Respondent Parents begins with the immediate assignment of a court appointed attorney that is unwilling to object to Notice Defects and that this action locks the parent in the proceedings against them that are stealing their children.

if your due process rights have been violated…

You have to know however that these criminals are and have for decades been maintaining this criminal empire and that your declaration that the proceedings are a nullity from the beginning puts the blame directly upon them for having taken your children unlawfully [kidnapping] and that they will resist and ignore what you have done. These criminals will act as though you are crazy and they will do it collectively as a team to pressure you into compliance with their crimes.

Suits at law do not exist without proper lawful notice to all of the parties. If you will notice on your “order” following the petition hearing, their is a check box that claims that the parties were noticed as required by law. This is generally near the top because this requirement, if not met, is completely fatal to the proceedings against you! In Michigan, this box is checked regardless of it’s truth.

Speaking to the current and intentional state of our Michigan courts.


Stating that our courts are “CORRUPT” is incredibly insufficient. The identification and exploitation of criminal intent is required to establish a basis for meaningful and lasting change.

In “Child Protective Proceedings” (CPS Cases), the Michigan Supreme Court has built a provision into the Michigan Court Rules that serves to save lower courts from wanton Due Process violations with regard to Respondent Parents. The specific court rule is MCR 3.920(H).

This Michigan Court Rule allows the court, the prosecutors, public defenders and agencies such as CPS and DHS to rely on the ability to unlawfully establish jurisdiction without proper lawful notice to the parties which is a terminal defect to the proceedings themselves.

This “Michigan Court Rule” is being intentionally and preemptively relied upon by the courts, county prosecutors and DHS and CPS to intentionally forego and unconstitutionally eliminate all Due Process requirements to all Respondent Parents in Michigan.

MCR 3.920(H) Notice Defects. The appearance and participation of a party at a hearing is a waiver by that party of defects in service with respect to that hearing unless objections regarding the specific defect are placed on the record. If a party appears or participates without an attorney, the court shall advise the party that the appearance and participation waives notice defects and of the party’s right to seek an attorney.”

This alleged Michigan Court Rule is completely unconstitutional on it’s face! If you come to court seeking the return of your kidnapped children you are appearing and participating in the proceedings against you and now it doesn’t matter that the courts have already deprived you of your inalienable right to due process and you are forever stuck in a jurisdiction unlawfully obtained and criminally maintained!

Through the “creation” of this Michigan Court Rule by the Michigan Supreme Court, the Michigan Supreme Court is intentionally complicate in the conspired deprivation of our inalienable right to Due Process under color of law (A Federal Crime). A right that can NOT be waived.

The Michigan Supreme Court is without virtue and without honor.

When you combine this with the fact that Respondent Parents in Michigan are assigned a “Court Appointed Attorney” before these respondent parents are even aware of the fact that they may need representation we come full circle with a strategy that places the state in the winners bracket every single time in cases involving children. “They can NOT lose”.

Court Appointed Attorneys are assigned by order of the court. How is it that court appointed attorneys are being appointed before the proceedings have begun? Who is appointing these “Court Appointed Attorneys” without asking the Respondent Parent if they require a court appointed attorney?

Respondent Parents in Michigan (as well as many other states) are being assigned representation without ever having made a request for an attorney in violation of Michigan Court Rule MCR 3.915(B)(1)(b).

MCR 3.915 Assistance of Attorney
(B) Child Protective Proceedings.
(1) Respondent.
(b) Appointment of an Attorney. The court shall appoint an attorney to represent the respondent at any hearing, including the preliminary hearing, conducted pursuant to these rules if

(i) the respondent requests appointment of an attorney, and

(ii) it appears to the court, following an examination of the record, through written financial statements, or otherwise, that the respondent is financially unable to retain an attorney.

(c) The respondent may waive the right to the assistance of an attorney,

Additionally, the forced appointment of a court appointed attorney is in direct violation of Article 1 § 13 of the Michigan Constitution which reaffirms the people’s right to represent themselves and/or to seek counsel of their choosing.

Article 1 § 13                                                                                                  § 13 Conduct of suits in person or by counsel.
Sec. 13. A suitor in any court of this state has the right to prosecute or defend his suit, either in his own proper person or by an attorney.

When the court forces the appointment of attorneys that refuse to object to terminal defects in the case, the case is allowed to continue due to MCR 3.920(H) and every BAR member gets paid and Michigan parents are deprived, the state of Michigan is deprived and our nation in general is deprived.

This is the opposite of justice and it is being perpetrated by the entity masquerading as our “judiciary”.


michigan supreme court_002

Speaking to the current and intentional state of our Michigan courts.

Stating that our courts are “CORRUPT” is incredibly insufficient. The identification and exploitation of criminal intent is required to establish a basis for meaningful and lasting change.

In “Child Protective Proceedings” (CPS Cases), the Michigan Supreme Court has built a provision into the Michigan Court Rules that serves to save lower courts from wanton Due Process violations with regard to Respondent Parents. The specific court rule is MCR 3.920(H).

This Michigan Court Rule allows the court, the prosecutors, public defenders and agencies such as CPS and DHS to rely on the ability to unlawfully establish jurisdiction without proper lawful notice to the parties which is a terminal defect to the proceedings themselves.

MCR 3.920(H) Notice Defects. The appearance and participation of a party at a hearing is a waiver by that party of defects in service with respect to that hearing unless objections regarding the specific defect are placed on the record. If a party appears or participates without an attorney, the court shall advise the party that the appearance and participation waives notice defects and of the party’s right to seek an attorney.

This alleged Michigan Court Rule is completely unconstitutional on it’s face! If you come to court seeking the return of your kidnapped children you are appearing and participating in the proceedings against you and now it doesn’t matter that the courts have already deprived you of your inalienable right to due process and you are forever stuck in a jurisdiction unlawfully obtained and criminally maintained!

Through the “creation” of this Michigan Court Rule, the Michigan Supreme Court is intentionally complicate in the conspired deprivation of our inalienable right to Due Process under color of law.

The Michigan Supreme Court is without virtue and without honor.

When you combine this with the fact that Respondent Parents in Michigan are assigned a “Court Appointed Attorney”  before these respondent parents are even aware of the fact that they may need representation we come full circle with a strategy that places the state in the winners bracket every single time in cases involving children. “They can NOT lose”.

Court Appointed Attorneys are assigned by order of the court. How is it that court appointed attorneys are being appointed before the proceedings have begun? Who is appointing these “Court Appointed Attorneys” without asking the Respondent Parent if they require a court appointed attorney?

Respondent Parents in Michigan (as well as many other states) are being assigned representation without ever having made a request for an attorney in violation of Michigan Court Rule MCR 3.915(B)(1)(b).

MCR 3.915 Assistance of Attorney

        (B) Child Protective Proceedings.

            (1) Respondent.

                (a) Advice and Right to Counsel. At respondent’s first court appearance, the court shall advise the respondent of the right to retain an attorney to represent the respondent at any hearing conducted pursuant to these rules and that

                        (i) the respondent has the right to a court-appointed attorney at any hearing conducted pursuant to these rules, including the preliminary hearing, if the respondent is financially unable to retain an attorney, and,

                        (ii) if the respondent is not represented by an  attorney, the respondent may request a court-appointed attorney at any later hearing.

                (b) Appointment of an Attorney. The court shall appoint an attorney to represent the respondent at any hearing, including the preliminary hearing, conducted pursuant to these rules if

                        (i) the respondent requests appointment of an attorney, and

                        (ii) it appears to the court, following an examination of the record, through written financial statements, or otherwise, that the respondent is financially unable to retain an attorney.

                (c) The respondent may waive the right to the assistance of an attorney, except that the court shall not accept the waiver by a respondent who is a minor when a parent, guardian, legal custodian, or guardian ad litem objects to the waiver.

Additionally, the forced appointment of a court appointed attorney is in direct violation of Article 1 § 13 of the Michigan Constitution which reaffirms the people’s right to represent themselves and/or to seek counsel of their choosing.

§ 13 Conduct of suits in person or by counsel.
Sec. 13. A suitor in any court of this state has the right to prosecute or defend his suit, either in his own
proper person or by an attorney

When the court forces the appointment of attorneys that refuse to object to terminal defects in the case, the case is allowed to continue due to MCR 3.920(H) and every BAR member gets paid and Michigan parents are deprived, the state of Michigan is deprived and our nation in general is deprived.

This is the opposite of justice and it is being perpetrated by the entity masquerading as our “judiciary”.